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Patrick Fleming, Ph.D.


Throughout his distinguished career in the Pork Industry, Patrick has dedicated his life to the pork industry, specifically to the enhancement of pork quality and a better consumer eating experience.  Patrick’s vision is to establish a funded program that manages the execution of relevant meat science and consumer research that will be shared with the pork industry and result in a premium quality standard for all pork products. Patrick goal is that consumers will view pork as the premium eating experience and equate this eating experience with higher value.

Historically, Patrick has been encouraging pork quality researchers to 1) improve loin quality from an eating perspective without sacrificing the cutout value of the remaining cuts; and 2) identify ways to change consumers perception of pork quality to effectively change the expectation and the willingness to pay for loin cuts.

Continuing the Legacy

Funds from the Patrick Fleming Mentor Recognition, for pork quality will go towards supporting research and dissemination of pork quality for AMSA members.