RMC 2025 Call for Abstracts
AMSA invites the submission of original research and abstracts on any aspect of meat science for presentation at the 2025 RMC. The AMSA 78th RMC will take place June 22-25, 2025 in Columbus, Ohio.
Anyone interested in presenting a poster (Open, Technical Summaries, Graduate Student or Undergraduate competitions) at the 2025 RMC are now able to submit their abstract online!
2025 Updates:
AMSA has changed to a new RMC Abstract Submission site for the 2025 RMC. We will be using the ePosterboard company, which is the same team that has hosted the onsite electronic boards for the last several years. We hope the submission process is more streamlined especially for those with multiple submissions. We have a nice tutorial video to show you step by step how to submit your RMC abstract: RMC 2025 Submittable Tutorial. If you have any questions on the submission process please contact Edwardo or Kathrynn from ePosterboard.
Submissions are due April 2, 2025, by 4:00 pm Central Daylight Time.
Click here to upload your 2025 RMC Abstract today!
Download the 2025 RMC Abstract Guidelines!
AMSA will be charging a $75 (USD) abstract submission fee this year. This fee is charged per abstract, and the fee covers expenses of handling the abstracts and presentation using the e-poster format. This submission fee is nonrefundable and will be due at the time you submit your AMSA RMC abstract online.
2025 RMC Program Categories
- Animal Welfare
- Consumer Topics
- Environment, Production Systems
- Meat and Poultry Quality and Composition - Measurement and Prediction
- Meat and Poultry Processing, Ingredient Technology and Packaging
- Meat and Poultry Quality
- Meat and Poultry Safety
- Education and Extension Tools
- Muscle and Lipid Biology and Biochemistry
- Technical Summaries**
- **Technical Summaries descriptions will be accepted in the following categories:
• Sustainability;
• New Technologies (Packaging, Processing, Information Collection, Instrumentation, etc.); and
• Food Safety Interventions, Analytics and Ingredients
Student Research Competition
The purpose of the AMSA Student Research ePoster Competition is to encourage students to:
1. Engage in high quality, sound and pertinent meat and poultry research;
2. Gain experience in presentation of scientific papers;
3. Demonstrate poise and mental agility before their peers;
4. Develop skills in effective communication for dissemination of research information; and
5. Acquire an appreciation of the role of the Association and its members in advancing the well-being of the meat industry through research.
AMSA Student Research ePoster Competition Information!
Dr. Bobby VanStavern Award for Beef Quality Research
The Dr. Bobby VanStavern Award for Beef Quality Research award will be awarded at the 2025 Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC). The $1,000 award will recognize an undergraduate or graduate student submitting an abstract detailing relevant research pertinent to beef quality and/or consumer perceptions and demand of high-quality beef. Applicants will simply indicate their intentions of application when submitting the abstract for the RMC meeting. Finalists may be asked to supply additional information at the request of the committee. For more information about Dr. Bobby VanStavern’s legacy on the beef industry and the associated mentorship, please visit this webpage.
- 04/02/2025 4:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time Call for Abstracts ends– submission system closes
- 04/02/2025 - Intent for Research Competitions Due (Undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D.)
- 04/30/2025 - Notify Abstract Presenters 1st email
- This email will state accepted with no changes needed, accepted with minor changes needed or major changes needed and 2nd review required before decision made.
- 05/08/2025- Webinar: ePoster Layout and Design
- 05/09/2025 - Abstracts with changes from first round review must be submitted.
- 05/22/2025 - Notify Abstract Presenters 2nd email
- This email will be sent only to those required to make major revisions letting them know if their abstract was accepted or rejected.
- 05/23/2025 - Deadline for all presenters to register for the RMC meeting
- 05/27/2025 - Notification of renumbering email sent out
- 06/10/2025 - ePoster PPT Presentation Due