RMC Student Quiz Bowl Competition

Sponsored by JBS USA / Pilgrim's

Time: Sunday, June 16, 2024
Check In: 7:30am

Contest Start Time: 8:00am

Location: Omni

Registration Deadline: May 16, 2024.  Teams MUST be registered, and questions submitted by the registration deadline.



Registration Information

Each school or university may enter up to two teams. A $60 entry fee will be assessed to each team. Teams must register and submit their questions by May 16, 2024.  Individual students from a university that cannot produce a full team that wish to be placed on a random team in their division may register and pay their portion of the entry fee ($15/student).   Any additional students that will be potential alternates should be registered as an individuals, and they may be placed on a mixed team depending on availability.

2024 Rules

Schools with Two Teams:

For those schools with 2 teams, your teams will be designated a team color that is associated with the school. Please register only 4 students per team and then remaining students as alternates. Final rosters and team assignments will be due on Saturday June 15th at Noon CT. 

Submission of Quiz Bowl Questions:

A new template has been created for teams to use when submitting new questions for future years' competitions. Please see the updated rules in the link above. Each school must submit questions as outlined in the rules prior to participation.  Please submit your questions in the form below.

School’s questions and registration must be submitted by the registration deadline of May 16, 2024.  Schools who submit their questions prior to the deadline (May 16) may be entered into a drawing to receive a bye for Round 1 (Provided there is a bye in the bracket) based on date of submission.  Questions MUST be submitted in Microsoft Excel with the following information: question, answer, topic area, difficulty (1=easy, 5=difficult), and reference source for the school to be eligible for the drawing.  Acceptable resources include: textbooks, publications, websites, etc. NOT lecture notes. See infographic below for additional reminders and guidelines. 

Click here for the Updated Question Template

All questions should be submitted via email to  Joanna Hardcastle and Kim Varnold by May 16, 2024.

PowerPoint Presentations:

The 2012 Quiz Bowl committee released the PowerPoint presentations from past years' (2007 and previous) Quiz Bowl Competitions, please be advised that the committee is not responsible for outdated/inaccurate questions.  Also if you have other year's worth of files (2004, 2005 or 2006) please email them to Joanna (jhardcastle@meatscience.org) Please click on the year to view the PowerPoint presentations. 

2024 Quiz Bowl Chair: Kim Varnold, Tyson Foods Inc.

Email Joanna Hardcastle at jhardcastle@meatscience.org with any registration questions. 


Submitted Question Reminders

Quiz Bowl Infographic