Featured Member
Kayley Wall

January Industry Spotlight
Q: When, why, and how did you become involved in AMSA?
A: I became a member in the spring of 2015 to present my undergraduate research at RMC.
Q: Why did you decide to pursue a career in meat science?
A: Food security and the availability of nutrition are social causes I am passionate about. I found meat science to be a great subject to combine my interest in science, numbers, and problem-solving with the purpose of feeding the world better.
Q: How has your involvement with AMSA influenced your career?
A: AMSA has grown my network of industry and academic professionals. This network has led to opportunities with research, internships, and the start of my career!
Q: What is your major research focus?
A: Consumer preference, texture, and flavor of cooked meat
Q: What do you consider to be your greatest contribution to meat science to date?
A: I feel my greatest contribution to meat science to date has been my hand in developing others' thoughts, approaches, and goals within meat science research through lab experiences and teaching classes. While I was involved with a multitude of research studies, I would consider my focus on lamb flavor to be my greatest research contribution.
Q: What is the most important skill you have developed in your career?
A: Without a doubt, I would say asking thoughtful questions! There are always multiple perspectives on an answer. While the textbook has a good foundation, there are many alternative solutions experience can offer, especially when the scenario is not idealistic or controlled.
Q: Who has been the most influential person in your career?
A: I was paired with a colleague to learn from on day one of my job. He was asked to teach me about Cargill and my role, but he wound up influencing so much more. He has given me life advice, career aspirations, and encouragement every day.
Q: What is your favorite thing(s) to do outside of work?
A: I love adventures, fitness/competitive activities, and food. I thoroughly enjoy working with youth in agriculture or sport events. I actively engage in the community through Junior League and volunteer events.
Q: What is one item you cannot live without?
A: Toothbrush.
Q: If you could plan a vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A: I would go just about anywhere at any given time, but I am really interested in traveling to Europe sooner rather than later.