Funding Available through AMSA via TAP Program
As part of the Meat and Poultry Technical Assistance Program (TAP), we is asking for assistance in building a technical and scientific resource library. AMSA has funding available to assist with the development of videos, fact sheets, white papers, guides, presentations, or other materials that can be used by the meat industry and allied and educational organizations.
Materials can cover any topic, but we are especially interested in useful information about both fresh and value-added processing, meat plant operations, quality assurance, and business operations.
Examples of some specific needs include:
- Product formulations, such as
- Determining ingoing nitrite;
- Making smokehouse/cooking schedules;
- Guides for new employees, and
- How to interpret data used for HACCP validations; and product packaging options.
If you have questions about project ideas for funding, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Rob Maddock.