Craig Bacon, Ph.D.

Treasurer Candidate

Simmons Food

Describe how your background and qualifications would help you be an effective leader of AMSA.

AMSA has been an integral part of my professional career. My first RMC was at Texas Tech in 1984 and in 1999 I received the organization’s achievement award. In 2004, I served as the President. I have remained active on RMC planning committee and have been asked numerous times to present at RMC. In addition, I have served on many foundation boards including; National FFA, University of Arkansas Experiment Station and currently serve as the Board Chair of Certified Hereford Beef. Finally, I have a thirty-four-year career in the meat industry in the areas of R&D, Food Safety and Regulatory.

What is your vision for AMSA in ten years?

My vision for AMSA over the next ten years would be to remain the premier professional organization for the meat industry. As a part of that remaining financially strong so that the organization can continue in its efforts to attract young people to this field and to be the voice of science when policies and decisions are being made involving our industry.