Mandy Carr-Johnson, Ph.D.

President-Elect Candidate


Describe how your background and qualifications would help you be an effective leader of AMSA.

My career has been one based in science and agriculture, with opportunities provided by teachers and mentors, challenges to be tackled, teams to build, collaborations to cultivate, partners to identify and serve, and rewards that resulted from each. From my early career as a young faculty member training students, writing research grants, meeting community leaders and forming partnerships to raise funds for research as well as facilities like a federally inspected meat laboratory, I have surrounded myself with strong teammates that offer knowledge and skill sets that complement my own.

As my career evolved to a focus on industry engagement, I found the same formula to hold true. At the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), I now lead the research function for the association. With a team of talented experts in their field (pre-harvest beef safety, human nutrition, beef sustainability, product quality and meat science, consumer market research and outreach to health professionals) we collaborate with beef producers, industry stakeholders and experts to provide forward-looking programs which balance basic science needs with practical application while informing decision makers about topics related to beef and its place in the diet.

In each role, I have found true reward in continuous learning, identifying and cultivating new talent to a team and industry, providing growth experiences for others as they build confidence and experience to lead. These skills are key to volunteer leadership in AMSA – identifying challenges to tackle, building strong teams with diverse talent and experiences, cultivating partnerships all to fulfill the mission and vision of the organization.

What is your vision for AMSA in ten years?

As the American Meat Science Association looks to the future, it can reflect on great leaders and initiatives in our history. However, to keep meat relevant in the future, great opportunities and challenges are ahead. As a body of members, we join to continue learning, to tackle scientific challenges, and to share expertise around meat science and technology. In the next 10 years, the needs of the global community will evolve, and the role of all meat will be challenged. AMSA’s members can play a unique role in sharing their passion and expertise on a variety of topics with those who have questions about meat. A strong thought leadership plan would leverage the AMSA core strategies into action that only AMSA and its members can do.

As a body filled with servant leaders, AMSA can provide mentorship and education to the broad spectrum of members it serves. Student activities have long been a focus of the association and provide a variety of opportunities from judging to research to academic competitions and leadership development. For the professional member, education and leadership can occur through RMC and ICMoST activities but with the spectrum of experience and expertise, new opportunities to leverage the professional members, sustaining partners and affiliated organizations are critical to leverage for industry innovation, leadership and longevity.