Featured Speaker

Lily Edwards Callaway, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Colorado State University
Dr. Lily Edwards-Callaway is currently an Associate Professor focusing on livestock behavior and welfare at Colorado State University in the Department of Animal Science. Originally from the Northeast, with a B.A. in French from Amherst College, Dr. Edwards-Callaway had her first exposure to the agriculture industry, on a small scale, during her time at the University of Rhode Island where she received a Master’s degree in Animal Science. After finishing her studies, Dr. Edwards-Callaway moved to Colorado, receiving her PhD in Livestock Behavior under the advisement of Dr. Temple Grandin at Colorado State University. Since completion of her graduate work, Dr. Edwards-Callaway has held various roles in academia (Assistant Professor, Kansas State University), the packing industry (Director of Animal Welfare, JBS) and cattle production (VP of Operations, Crystal River Meats) primarily focusing on improving animal welfare in the various management systems with a specific focus on end of life decision-making. She is involved in industry groups and associations to promote and progress the beef and dairy industries.