John Scanga

Headshot of Dr. John Scanga

Signal Service

Meyer Natural Foods

Established in 1956, the AMSA Signal Service Award is given to members to recognize devoted service and lasting contributions to the meat industry and the association. The Signal Service Award is sponsored by CTI Foods, Cargill, Clemens Food Group, Johnsonville, LLC., and Elanco Animal Health. 

John A. Scanga

Dr. John Scanga, Vice President of Quality Assurance, Meyer Natural Foods, is an active part of the meat industry and AMSA community. He led the first USDA Grading and Standards task force of AMSA to review the beef instrument grading approval and verification procedures. Dr. Scanga has served on the scientific information committee, the research protocol committee, and the ICoMST 2020 the technical program committee. He is very active in serving as a committee member for the intercollegiate meat judging contest, serving almost every year.

"It is humbling and a great honor to be recognized with this award and as an AMSA Fellow. Having the privilege, opportunity, and ability to serve the meat industry and give back to AMSA has been an honor of its own. I hope that those who follow continue the longstanding tradition of service to AMSA and the meat industry and that my contributions will be as impactful and lasting as the previous recipients," stated Dr. Scanga. 

John Scanga

Headshot of Dr. John Scanga

Signal Service

Meyer Natural Foods

Established in 1956, the AMSA Signal Service Award is given to members to recognize devoted service and lasting contributions to the meat industry and the association. The Signal Service Award is sponsored by CTI Foods, Cargill, Clemens Food Group, Johnsonville, LLC., and Elanco Animal Health. 

John A. Scanga

Dr. John Scanga, Vice President of Quality Assurance, Meyer Natural Foods, is an active part of the meat industry and AMSA community. He led the first USDA Grading and Standards task force of AMSA to review the beef instrument grading approval and verification procedures. Dr. Scanga has served on the scientific information committee, the research protocol committee, and the ICoMST 2020 the technical program committee. He is very active in serving as a committee member for the intercollegiate meat judging contest, serving almost every year.

"It is humbling and a great honor to be recognized with this award and as an AMSA Fellow. Having the privilege, opportunity, and ability to serve the meat industry and give back to AMSA has been an honor of its own. I hope that those who follow continue the longstanding tradition of service to AMSA and the meat industry and that my contributions will be as impactful and lasting as the previous recipients," stated Dr. Scanga. 

2024 Dr. Gary C. Smith Scholarship Recipients

A special thank you to the Bellinger Foundation for supporting our students with $1,000.00 scholarships for earning high individual at selected AMSA Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contests.  Students cannot receive the scholarship more than one time in a competitive season.

2023 Dr. Gary C. Smith Scholarship Recipients

A special thank you to the Bellinger Foundation for supporting our students with $1,000.00 scholarships for earning high individual at selected AMSA Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contests.

John Scanga

Headshot of Dr. John Scanga

Signal Service

Meyer Natural Foods

Established in 1956, the AMSA Signal Service Award is given to members to recognize devoted service and lasting contributions to the meat industry and the association. The Signal Service Award is sponsored by CTI Foods, Cargill, Clemens Food Group, Johnsonville, LLC., and Elanco Animal Health. 

John A. Scanga

Dr. John Scanga, Vice President of Quality Assurance, Meyer Natural Foods, is an active part of the meat industry and AMSA community. He led the first USDA Grading and Standards task force of AMSA to review the beef instrument grading approval and verification procedures. Dr. Scanga has served on the scientific information committee, the research protocol committee, and the ICoMST 2020 the technical program committee. He is very active in serving as a committee member for the intercollegiate meat judging contest, serving almost every year.

"It is humbling and a great honor to be recognized with this award and as an AMSA Fellow. Having the privilege, opportunity, and ability to serve the meat industry and give back to AMSA has been an honor of its own. I hope that those who follow continue the longstanding tradition of service to AMSA and the meat industry and that my contributions will be as impactful and lasting as the previous recipients," stated Dr. Scanga.