Stephanie Witberler

Kansas State University
To promote meat science by recognizing outstanding undergraduate students with potential for a
career in meats. The candidate may or may not have committed himself/herself to a career in meats
but should have demonstrated an interest in meat science and the meat industry. Students majoring
in Animal Science, Food Science and closely allied fields of study are encouraged to apply.

Stephanie Witberler

Kansas State University
To promote meat science by recognizing outstanding undergraduate students with potential for a
career in meats. The candidate may or may not have committed himself/herself to a career in meats
but should have demonstrated an interest in meat science and the meat industry. Students majoring
in Animal Science, Food Science and closely allied fields of study are encouraged to apply.

2024 Dr. Gary C. Smith Scholarship Recipients

A special thank you to the Bellinger Foundation for supporting our students with $1,000.00 scholarships for earning high individual at selected AMSA Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contests.  Students cannot receive the scholarship more than one time in a competitive season.

2023 Dr. Gary C. Smith Scholarship Recipients

A special thank you to the Bellinger Foundation for supporting our students with $1,000.00 scholarships for earning high individual at selected AMSA Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contests.

Stephanie Witberler

Kansas State University
To promote meat science by recognizing outstanding undergraduate students with potential for a
career in meats. The candidate may or may not have committed himself/herself to a career in meats
but should have demonstrated an interest in meat science and the meat industry. Students majoring
in Animal Science, Food Science and closely allied fields of study are encouraged to apply.