Intercollegiate Meat Judging Program Sponsors
Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest Hosts
- National Western in Honor of R. Paul Clayton Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- JBS, Greeley CO
- Southwestern Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Columbia Packing, Ennis TX
- South Plains Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Caviness Beef Packers, Hereford TX
- Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Martin Foods, Houston TX
- Southeastern Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- The Ohio State University and University of Kentucky
- National Barrow Show Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Hormel, Austin MN
- Eastern National Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Cargill, Wyalusing PA
- American Royal Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Nebraska Beef, Omaha NE
- Cargill High Plains Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Cargill, Friona TX
- International Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest- Tyson, Dakota City NE
Mentorship Recognition Funds
- Dr. H. Russell Cross Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Dr. William R. Jones Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Dr. Jeff Savell Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Dr. Gary Smith Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Dr. Tom Carr Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Dr. Gordon Davis Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Dr. Jimmy Wise Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Dr. Dell Allen Mentorship Recognition Fund
- Development Council Meat Judging Fund
Memorial Funds
- Rachel Hamilton Memorial Fund
- Celia Miller Memorial Fund
Dr. Gary C. Smith Scholarship
- Dr. John Bellinger Family Foundation
Sustaining Partner Sponsors
- Cargill
- iCEV
- JBS, USA Food Company and Pilgrim's
- Merck Animal Health
- National Pork Board
- Sealed Air's Cryovac® Brand
- Standard Meat Company
- Tillamook Country Smoker
- Tyson Foods Inc.
- USDA, AMS, Livestock and Poultry Program
- U.S. Meat Export Federation
Program Sponsors
- Aaron and Jennifer Wyle
- American Royal Livestock Show
- Angus Association
- Bellinger Family Foundation
- Certified Angus Beef
- Chandler and Shae Lynn Sarchet
- Dr. Andrea Garmyn
- Dr. Gretchen Mafi
- Dr. KatieRose McCullough
- Dr. Loni Lucherk
- Dr. Mark Miller
- Dr. Randy Harp
- Dr. Tom and Jo Carr
- Dr. Travis O'Quinn
- Frank Owsley- Tarleton State University
- Hifam Investments LLC.- Randy C. Hines
- Klehm Family Ranch
- Kyle and McKensie Phillips
- Lonestar Beef Packers
- Luke Fox
- Mabry Family
- Maggie Weinroth
- North Dakota State University Animal Science Graduate Student Carnivore Catering
- Sam Davis
- Southwest Meat Association
- Tarleton State University Meat Science Program
- Texas A&M University
- Texas Association of Meat Processors
- Texas Tech University Meat Science and Raider Red Meats
- West Texas A&M University Beef Carcass Research Center