Establishment of a Meat Science Mentor Recognition
Initial Solicitation & Proposal
Any AMSA member may seek to establish a Mentor Recognition to honor a member or former member of the American Meat Science Association.
To be established as a Meat Science Mentor Recognition, submit a proposal containing the following information to the AMSA Development Council Chair and AMSA Chief Executive Officer.
- Name of person to be honored and brief description of the basis for establishing the program.
- Name(s) of person(s) who will be responsible for leading the fundraising initiative for the Program.
- Specific purpose(s) of the funds (consistent with the basis for establishing the program). This will be established by the potential honoree and the person(s) leading the initiative. The AMSA Development Council Chair is responsible for securing AMSA Board agreement for potential use of the funds. Examples of fund use (but not restricted to the following) are support of the RMC - symposia, lectures or awards, funding of various AMSA Board approved strategic initiatives, undergraduate or graduate scholarships, etc.
- Expenditure of funds. The honoree and the person(s) leading the initiative have the responsibility to identify if funding the specific purpose is to be from (1) earnings on the principal, (2) principal per se, or (3) a combination. The timeframe for funding the specific purpose relative to availability of funds must be estimated or established.
- A description of the process(es) and targeted potential supporters for securing the funding to secure "fully funded" status ($25,000). There must be a description of the activities and processes to achieve the minimum $25,000 fully funded status.
Upon acceptance of the proposal by the AMSA Development Council Members, a written agreement for acceptance and support will be developed among the honoree, the initiative leader(s), the AMSA Development Council Chair and the AMSA President.
Chartered Status and Fully-Funded Status
The Mentor Recognition is "Chartered" when funded at $12,500 within three years of the initial solicitation. A Mentor Recognition is "Fully Funded" when funded at $25,000 or greater within five years of achieving "Chartered" status.
If a Mentor Recognition fails to achieve "Chartered" status within three years of the initial solicitation or fails to achieve "Fully Funded" status within five years of achieving "Chartered" status, the funds will be used as directed by the AMSA Development Council.
AMSA will recognize Contributors of at least $500 as Charter Recognition Members and will place their names/identities on a plaque presented to the honoree.
Working Polices of the Meat Science Mentor Recognition Program
- The AMSA Board will be responsible for implementing the Specific Activities of a Recognition fund. The individual(s) responsible for leading the establishment of a Recognition fund, or their designee, will be invited to work with the Board to implement the Specific Activities.
- Financial administration policies of AMSA and the AMSA Development Council will apply to the assets of Mentor Recognition funds. A financial report of a Meat Science Mentor Recognition fund will be made upon request to the honoree and the person(s) responsible for establishing the Recognition.
- When the funds are insufficient to fund the Specific Purpose or when the charter members and honoree so direct, residual funds will be placed in the general fund of the AMSA Development Council and the Specific Purpose activities will cease.
- Posthumous awards can be made in honor of a deceased AMSA member.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Mentor Recognition Program